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Institutional Investor: Peter Maragos Named to 2018 Trading Technology 40

Institutional Investor: Peter Maragos Named to 2018 Trading Technology 40

Dash CEO Peter Maragos has once again been named to Institutional Investor’s Trading Technology 40, the publication’s annual ranking of “the world’s most powerful trading executives.” Maragos, 41, says the…

By Jen Fagenson

April 3, 2018

Dash CEO Peter Maragos has once again been named to Institutional Investor’s Trading Technology 40, the publication’s annual ranking of “the world’s most powerful trading executives.”

Maragos, 41, says the firm is constantly working to improve its platform and capitalize on a broader product set that includes LiquidPoint floor-broker products and regulatory compliance technologies, writes II editor-at-large Jeff Kutler in the profile.

“This is definitely a scale business,” he adds. He says Dash is rolling out a new alternative trading system, will soon enhance its smart-order routing with machine learning technology that came out of the firm’s research and development, and is exploring augmented reality to bring new dimensions to trader user interfaces.

To read the full article, click here.

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